GIS Product Catalogue
Printhead Card for Xaar 1003 & Nitrox (U)
Printhead Card for Xaar 2002 & Aquinox (E)
Supported printheads
1002, 1003, Nitrox
2002, Aquinox
USB Compact/Large PHCM-C2/C8-3 98 x 100 x 15mm, 90g
Ethernet PHCM Each PHCM drives up to six PHCs*
Printhead Card Manager
200 x 66 x 20mm, 200g
Dimensions (L x W x D, Weight)
Power requirements Cable length
24V DC, 4A max
24 to 48V DC, 20A max
PC to Printhead Card Manager: Up to 5m
PC to Printhead Card Manager: Up to 100m Printhead Card Manager to Printhead Card: 1m Printhead Card to Printhead: 300mm
Printhead Card Manager to Printhead Card: Up to 10m Printhead Card to Printhead: 300mm
Drives a single printhead Supports drive frequencies up to 48kHz
Drives a single printhead Supports drive frequencies up to 36kHz
Left and right nozzle bank voltage trim (1/16V steps) Grey level drop count control and palette remap Supports Xaar’s High Laydown mode Printhead heater centralised monitoring (±1ºC) No print gap between labels
Left and right nozzle bank voltage trim (1/16V steps) Grey level drop count control and palette remap Supports Xaar’s High Laydown mode Printhead heater centralised monitoring (±1ºC) Compatible with GIS SM-200 Signal Manager for product detect
and encoder signal support No print gap between labels
Software required
Print Server Atlas Professional for Print Server
Atlas Server Atlas Professional
* Dependent upon power consumption
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